Imagination: The Ultimate Key to Greatness and Success



Imagination simply means the ability to confront and deal with reality by using the creative power of the mind. It is the power of the mind to create a mental picture of something. The mind is the biggest resources ever given to man. The more we make use of the creative power embedded, the more it will become useful. It gets better with age and usage.

All great accomplishments are product of imagination. The further your imagination, the greater your accomplishment in life. Whatever we create in our mind can become a reality as long as we work assiduously to achieve it. It is not enough to dream about wealth, greatness and success without making concerted effort to implement these thoughts and imaginations. If our imaginations are mere figments of our lustful feelings, it will end up in the trash bin of our subconscious and nothing good can come out of such wishful thinking.

Orville and Wilbur Wright woke up one fateful day, and they both imagined the possibility of an object flying in the air with the aid of an engine. They were not day dreaming, as they started working on their imagination day after day. It started with an ordinary kite but ended up with an airborne airplane. It took years for the seed of imagination to eventually blossom into reality, but it today the world is still celebrating the Imaginative power of the Wright brothers. When they shared their imagination with others, it was met with rebuff and scorn, but they knew where they were going and decided to ignore the negative response of dream killers. Their resolve is what has become a solution to the problem of air transport in the aviation industry till date.

Our imagination can open doors of prosperity and breakthrough for us if we faithfully nurture it to reality. The ability to think outside the box can open windows of opportunities and catapult an individual into the realm of greatness. The human mind is like a parachute. The more we let go of doubts and fear, the more creative and imaginative we can become.

In the Holy Bible, there is this story about some group of people who had an imagination of a tall building reaching unto heaven. They decided to call the building “The tower of Babel”. They created a mental image of the tower and eventually resolved in their heart to build an exact replica of that mental image. Their imagination would have become a reality, had God not intervened.

If the motive of our imagination is right, we can achieve greatness and success with ease and break every barrier of limitation. All that is needed is a moment of imagination oozing from the inside and blossoming into reality.



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